Sorry if this title was deceiving; I am NOT back home in Texas. But some other teachers and friends and I are working on a project that will redefine the word "home" for a family here in Roatan. My roomie, friend, and fellow teacher, Harrison, is going on his second year here in Roatan. Last year he and the other teachers established a relationship with a family here on the island. Two of the daughters sell doughnuts on the streets of Los Fuertes, a small, poor town here, and that is actually how they came to meet the teachers.
This family has a very modest and suppressed means of survival. There are a total of 8 children and two parents living together. They also take care of another young teenage girl and her infant son. In total eleven people live under one small roof. The roof has numerous holes, the walls are made of mud, sticks and a hodgepodge of scrap wood, and the floor is the earth that it sits on. A while back the father approached Harrison asking for help getting money and resources to lay cement on the ground, cuz every bit of rain (especially during hurricane season) washes out the floor of their house. Through prayer and sharing this request with others God has made it possible for this family to receive a great deal more than cement. We have entitled our fundraising efforts, in fact, "More than Cement." It is an awesome surpirse and blessing for this humble and caring family.
Front entrance |
Under one roof. |
The mother on the right excited at the prospect of a new house |
In the kitchen. |
Running around the house |
We are partnering with an organization called Dwellings. This organization acts as an intermediary to help raise funds, gather resources, and recruit people to give needy and deserving families a safe and functional place to live. Our goal is to raise $9,500. The littlest bit can help immensely. If 475 people each gave just $20, that would cover our goal. Below is the link for making donations. Through that link you can also find info about Dwellings. Feel free to holler at me if you have any questions. We don't have an exact date for breaking ground on construction, but it should be somewhere around late February or early March when we begin if you or a group or someone you know want's to help build with us!
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